IoT platforms, middleware and protocols


AWS IoT Device SDK

Build your IoT project with balena
The infrastructure you need to develop, deploy, and manage fleets of connected devices at scale.
Your first 10 devices are always free and full-featured.

Use a Raspberry Pi to communicate with Amazon AWS IoT

balena-lambda-service (on GitHub)

This is a lambda function which creates the relevant certificates and policies needed for AWS IoT and sets them as per device environment variables on the balena device which invoked the Lambda function. The device can then use the set environment variables to authenticate requests to the AWS IoT API.
AWS IoT is amazingly powerful and secure way to process data produced by physical devices. But owning to this security there are some complexities when setting up a new AWS IoT client or device. This is because the AWS IoT Device SDK uses per device certificates to authenticate request between the device and AWS. This is great and fairly simple to set up once off, but using more than one device with AWS IoT you’ll want to do this certificate provisioning a more automated way.

AWS Greengrass the new step in IoT

Implementare rapidamente in Amazon Web Services dispositivi IIoT basati su sensori