Raspberry Pi and Amazon Alexa Voice Services

Amazon AVS setup on a Raspberry Pi
Setting Up Alexa on Rpi (Medium)
Raspberry Pi: tutorial su Alexa
Setup a Raspberry Pi to work with Amazon Alexa (Amazon docs)
Alexa Smart Screen SDK – Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide (Amazon docs) (code on GitHub)
Set Up the AVS Device SDK on Raspberry Pi
Prototype with the SDK and a Raspberry Pi
Alexa to control a Raspberry Pi
Controlling Raspberry Pi Using Alexa
Controlling LEDs on Raspberry Pi using Voice with Amazon Echo
Triggering a Raspberry Pi Camera with Alexa
Voice controlled Home automation using Amazon Alexa on Raspberry Pi
Alexa Smart Home on a Raspberry Pi
AWShome – Home Automation Using RPi + Alexa + IoT
Easily and INEXPENSIVELY control a bunch of outlets using your voice!
Code on Github
Alexa media player project on GitHub
This is a custom component to allow control of Amazon Alexa devices in Homeassistant using the unofficial Alexa API.
Creating an Interactive Voice Experience with Amazon Alexa

Code on GitHub